

Most users are ‘tricked’ into using PaginatedList because they think it’s an efficient way for paging. Use of the ‘skip’ and ‘count’ parameters is more ‘ResultSet-like’ which is the main concern of iBATIS.


Maybe the PaginatedList implementations can be moved to some backwards-compatibility library, so existing applications can be upgraded without breaking stuff. I don’t actually use PaginatedList, but I can see the need for it.




From: Clinton Begin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: maandag 23 oktober 2006 16:43
To: user-java@ibatis.apache.org; dev@ibatis.apache.org
Subject: Deprecating PaginatedList interfaces and SqlMapClient method


Hi all,

I'd like to suggest that we deprecate the PaginatedList interface, all implementations of it, and the SqlMapClient methods that use it.


  1. It's currently overused where it probably shouldn't be used at all.
  2. It's not a flexible model, so you can't supply your own implementation of PaginatedList.
  3. Using queryForList() with skip and count parameters is better all around.

Any thoughts?


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