I apologize if this is already in a JIRA issue, but for some reason the JIRA
site isn't loading for me tonight.

I was able to run Abator to generate my iBATIS classes and sql maps,
however, when I run my webapp, I receive the following exception:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not find SQL statement to include with
refid 'ballots.abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause'

When I inspect my sql map, I can see it doesn't seem to be picking up the
"ballots" namespace in the sqlMap object.  If I remove all of the instances
of "ballots." from the refids, it works fine, however, the next time I build
my sql map files from Abator, they are added back in.  Is there a way to
either 1) get the namespace to be recognized, or 2) remove the namespace
from all of the refids in the sql map files?

I'm using Abator 1.0.0 and iBATIS 2.3


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