We experienced a similar problem (transaction, lots of queries) which was down 
to using iBATIS statement caching.  We were able to work around it by switching 
off statement caching in iBATIS, and applying it directly to the Oracle 
connection (though we needed to write our own iBATIS datasource for this to be 
So, in our sqlMapConfig:
   <settings statementCachingEnabled="false" ... />
and in our data source:
OracleConnection oconn = ...;
For the sake of completeness, we then hit a known Oracle bug (4965296).  
However the bug only impacts Oracle 10g, and only proxy connections - so 
chances are, it does not apply in your case.  To work around that problem we 
had to 'toggle' the state of the statement caching:
OracleConnection oconn = ...;
I hope that proves to be of some use to you.


From: Daniel Sánchez Gómez [mailto:dsanc...@satec.es] 
Sent: 25 March 2009 12:55
To: user-java@ibatis.apache.org


I have a problem with open cursors using Ibatis  in an Oracle data base.

When I open a transaction with a lot of querys and before the transaction ends, 
an exception appears: "Too many cursors are open".

What can I do to resolve this problem? Is there any instruction to close 
cursors without ending transaction? We can't increase the number of cursors in 
the database.


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  • [no subject] Daniel Sánchez Gómez
    • Re: Nicholoz Koka Kiknadze
    • RE: Young, Alistair

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