That sounds familiar, this project uses a procedural cell based texture
I will experiment with the texture to see if this resolves things.
There is also a mention in the Manual under 'Under-sampling' and I

Activates interpolation of pixel groups where the threshold is not exceeded.
If the option is inactive, undersampling generates mosaic like effects (for
example, you may try sampling threshold 100 with no interpolation). "

Would this be anything to do with anything ?

I am sending the file to Vesa in the meantime.


Chris Sellars
Morsel Animation

----- Original Message -----
From: "mungenast and standley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: Rendering Artifact

> Hi Chris and Vesa
> I saw this on a project I had that used a lot of procedural, including a
> object like in the reptile material.
> It looks like that might be the case here.
> Try it without the cell to see if that might contribute to the problem.
> I never did figure out what it was. It came and went, and in the end, i
> up fixing the render in PS.
> cm

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