At 02:18 PM 11/9/2005 +0000, you wrote:
Hi Guys,

Sorry for no recent input to the Landscape / Shader thing. Involved in a car crash last sunday, my motor is a write off. Guy pulled out of a garage from my left onto a 60mph road and chanced crossing over in front of us to the otherside. Bang I hit him. Both Caroline and myself are OK, but car has bruises and muscle damage in her neck [ passenger side front wheel area is where the impact was ]. So been busy with legal stuff - and now having to buy another car.

Anyway - I have little to offer on the technical front of shaders and VSL - ONLY to say and reiterate that whatever shader anyone does - DO IT FOR THE REST OF US non tech individuals. Plain english wording on the sliders / parameter boxes in the nonadvanced section of the shader if possible.


Thank god no one was hurt badly! (although neck damage can be painful - good luck Caroline)

I'll try to make the landscape materials more accessible but that will be a tough job with scope-based materials...

Best wishes,
Mark H

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