Off the topic but, on learning that i was not alone on this south sea kiwi island, I wondered about a National Convention of New Zealand Realsoft List members ... maybe a couple of pints in a Wellington pub next time I'm down there. I mean there are two of us!

But I think I've convinced another dude up this way that for what he wants he needs Realsoft ... we'll have to wait and see on that one. Could end up a crowded convention after all, there night be three buying the rounds.

Neil Cooke

----- Original Message ----- From: "studio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2005 8:22 PM
Subject: Re: New tutorial

Hi List :

 Feeling a little tenative , but the below mail was the last mail from
fellow Realsoft list member Ross Hopkins . He mentions that he is
ill and working toward completing a promise to list members incl-
uding Neil Cooke , a fellow Kiwi .

  Perhaps Ross has moved on to another 3D mailing list or perhaps
I missed his goodbye .... or maybe he is just extremely busy like the
rest of us .

Cheers Rossco


Sent: Monday, 9 May 2005 7:58 p.m.

Hello Neil and list,

Well this is hard to do and rather embarrassing for me as I have made some
promises to the list and especially to Bernie and Garry regarding making
video (Flash) tutes of RS3D.

However, given that Neil is a Kiwi, and has requested that others from
Kiwiland speak up, this is an opportunity to tell Neil that I am a Kiwi,
living in Wellington and have RS3D too!

Plus it is an opportunity to front up and apologise to those that I had
promised tutes etc.

This goes back some time now and while I have been still checking out the
list messages, due to my health taking a few backward steps (just when I
thought I was well on the road to recovery), Sadly, I have not been able
come up with the goods.

To those that I promised, please accept my apologies. I have had, and
do have the intention of getting into RS3D and making the tutes, as this
how I would learn more myself etc, as many of you on the list have alluded
to recently.

I cannot give any timeline though as I have done that already and not
delivered, so I will wait until I have completed something before I
say I will do it, then it will, hopefully be a nice surprise :)

Seems to me that what you are all doing with version 5 is pretty amazing!

Well that just about does it for now...

Hope to be more involved soon ;)


Get Firefox!
-----Original Message-----
Neil Cooke
Sent: Monday, 9 May 2005 7:58 p.m.
Subject: Re: New tutorial

Hi List

Testing "hugeness", is there anyone else on the List from kiwiland?

Just curious,

Neil Cooke

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert den Broeder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 6:42 PM
Subject: RE: New tutorial

> Hi Chris,
> >
> > Hi Robert,
> > If I haven't thanked you yet for this, THANKS!
> > If more of this type of info leaks out, RS might be huge!
> > :o)
> > cm
> I have more info where that came from...  My guess is that RS IS huge!!
> :P
> Best regards,
> Robert

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