Hi Garry,

>   Will stay tuned , but I find it hard to believe RS can move from
> V5 to V6 so quickly . Is Satu a coder ? (just kidding)

I never mentioned a quick release of V6. Only that I will show more info on
how V6 develops :)
So you can all see.

>  I hope to convert a tutorial this weekend using the style- 
> sheets that are common on your site . Hope you don't mind , 
> and it will probably take some heavy duty editing on your 
> part to make it fit in properly , since I don't understand 
> stylesheets .

All tutorials I published so far are plain HTML and the only style I use is
the manual format.
That means same font and same use of titels.

>   Anyway , it's a chance for me to "put your money where your 
> mouth is" (english expression) .

OK Garry take that chance while you can ;)

Best regards,

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