"Greeble team"? I wasn't aware of Zaug being a team.. ;)

Fredrik Bergholtz

On 02/02/06, Frank Brübach < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi dear Zaug and the "greeble team", first of all a big compliment to you too for the powerful Greeble Plugin! :-) / If I am ready with my nurbscurve tool I will make some exercises with it. I have some time problems at the moment and have to spend a lot of time with privates things too, they are more important ;-) / A question: How long have you worked for the Greeble Plugin, and do you think you can buy this big tool later for 10 or 20 euro or do you prefer a donation ??? / Yes, the timeclock is running well under Intel and AMD, Linux cannot understand that, I am thinking ;-) best regards, Frankolino

user-list@light.realsoft3d.com schrieb am 02.02.06 09:45:56:

Nice work. Looks like you caught the bug with the second thickness not
working :)
I will have to study this as the time clock does not come up, but, I
think, it is related to me running Linux.


My love of the halfling's leaf has clearly slowed my mind.

P.S. Finished is such an ugly description to impose on a piece of code ;P

Frank Brübach wrote:

>Dear Realsoft friends, I have finished yesterday the current version of the little "Frankolinos Nurbscurve Helper Pro 1.2". Now its nearly possible to create easily structures of Hair, Fur, green meadows and other Nurbscurves Areas perhaps with the powerful "interpolator" tool :-) Try it, its for free! - Insert the content of the zip file into the "scripting" folder of Realsoft Directory, then open the scripts menu of the running Realsoft application, click on "Frankolinos Nurbshelper Pro12" and the popup window will appears, you can work with it! :-) best regards, have fun with it and I would like to collect critics about the little nurbstool! Ciao und Servus, Frankolino, Germany, Witzenhausen
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