> Hi Aidan,
> You hit the nail on the head!
> Apparently, at RS they prefer to spend their energy at the software itself  
> rather than tutorials etc. 

Hi Mark :

  Again forgive my heavy editing of your post , in order to save
time . I won't even begin to respond to Aidan's post , but will
chime in with you and say "yes , yes , and yes !" .

> We users can wait and sit back, or do something about it - we
> can't force RS.
> Mark H

   I partially agree . We can't force RS of course , but we can
perhaps influence them a little bit , and we can certainly change
things for the better .

   You have changed things many times with your selfless efforts
and sharing , and I implore _ALL_ RS users to stop and think about
what they can bring to the party .

 Last year there was talk of a Dynamic Realsoft Manual , where we
could add tutorials as we go , but that is not going to happen soon.
Blender has a Wiki site , but it is a hackers paradise and problem-
atic .

   We _CAN_ however continue to write tutorials and give examples ,
and share our knowledge gained . To teach is to learn too . There
are many selflessly giving users here who have been changing things
for years and years , and is in fact the whole spirit behind RS .

  Without the generous user community that RS has , RS is nothing but
an app that only very very advanced users can even begin to attempt to
use . RealSoft may count on "us" as much as we count on "them" .

  My "attacking" is merely a weak attempt at drawing attention to the
fact that we need much , much more sharing in order to get non-advanced
users up to speed in advanced 3D animation , with RS .

  All it's going to take is for advanced users , to sit down and share
their knowledge with simple easy to follow HTML web pages , and for
those that come here to this list seeking answers , to write those an-
swers down in HTML once they have been received , as a way of saying 
"Thanks" .

   To put it simply , this list is an Abyss ... same with IRC . Only
the Realsoft Forum saves info for the future users to view . Only
tutorials created by RS users make the learning of advanced tools and
methods an easy and enjoyable experience .


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