Yes, you can easily upload images to a wiki, you can even use HTML
formatting in your articles. However, some owners of wikis I know
dislikes the use of HTML in articles in favour of the wikitext markup.
I am not really sure why this is, perhaps it has to do with user
selectable stylesheets or something.

Fredrik Bergholtz

On 03/02/06, studio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > Great tute and just in time for the Wiki that Matthias has popped up. How
> > about adding it there under the appropriate heading OR a new Heading. All
> > editable:
> >
> > Dam off to gig, no time to doodle with this :((
> > Aidan
> Hi Aidan :
>   Yes , for sure , but can I upload a whole tute' , .jpegs
> and all , or would I have to build it from scratch ? Copy/
> pasting text would be no problem anyway .
>    Or I could place a link there with a short explanation
> of what the tute is all about ...
>   Not sure which option is best ?
> studio

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