Hi Garry,

>   SDS seems like a piece of shit to me . In theory , it's brilliant of
> course , but so was RPL . SDS seems like the RPL of the modeling world .
> Once again I have to become a technical wizard be-fore I can create ...
> anything ! No ! & No ! & fuckin' NO !

I can't see what's the problem with sds. If you have worked with b-
splines before one must be stealthed ;)
One can't stress it enough: Keep it simple with sds. Try to get all out
of your mesh before you add another point, line or face. Try to make
your mesh only quadfaces. 

> I'm sick of it ! I just want to create ! I do not want to have my
> brain conformed to the RS way , or the Maya way , or the SDS way ...

I think if you got this Aha for sds modelling there is no big difference
between those tools while RS provides for me a very straight way to
model. I tried wings, maya and another modeller I forgot the name. But
sure I'm used to RS since years.

>    I just want to start the S/W and create stuff ... if I can't then
> fuck it I'll go render fractals instead .

get poser :)

Boris - http://www.3ddart.com -
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