Wow, how many peoples are already using projectmessiah besides me? (here on
the realsoft newsletter)

I model in realsoft.
I texture in UVMapperPro.
I sleep on my chair.
I animate and render in messiahworkstation.

I don't understant why some people want to animate in messiah and export
back to realsoft or any other package.

Messiah is a standalone software now?

My main concern about chosing an application now is only rendering time.
To equal the rendering time of Messiah with Realsoft it would cost me 10
000$ in computer.

I think that since all 3D application are basicaly the same (more or less).
I mean you can do almost anything you can think of.
The only difference worth noticing is rendering time.

The choice of a renderer is a cheaper solution than buying better computer.

Pure raytracing is the best method. One day it will be the only methode used
(when cpu cycles won't matter). Maybe Realsoft should ofer a temporary
Hybrid-Method (Scanline-Raytracing).

I have abandoned Shade because the rendering times are too long.
I have never used Realsoft for rendering because it is too long (even
preview rendering).

With ProjectMessiah I do 20 times more test rendering.
That means a lot more control over the final image.

The main problem of Realsoft as many other applicatoin is not animation, it
is rendering time.

Jean-Sebastien Perron

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