That’s OK with me. I am Dutch (not German) and perfectly understand Garry’s

I don’t have a problem with them. But I see your point Jan.



Gruss, greetz, groeten, ciao etc,



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Namens Jan Schmitz
Verzonden: maandag 7 januari 2008 22:15
Onderwerp: Re: Building Tool


Just a few lines to garry...:
(doesn't fit to this topic)

hhmmm... sorry about that garry, but I have to say this...
I am somehow a bit confused about how you treat some of the other list

Many of us are not living in countries where the first language is
English... I'm German for example (like Robert, Mark, Frank, Stefan, ...)
and I sometimes don't understand your sarcastic phrases... and maybe this is
one reason for a misunderstanding (please correct me, if this is wrong). 

Please avoid using phrases like "you guys really do need to get the money
back that you spent on those speed reading courses . " in your next
there are people who aren't that good in English as you ( ME^^)

Bin ich der einzige, den seine Beiträge ein wenig stutzig machen lassen?
Ich kann teilweise nicht einordnen wie das jetzt gemeint ist... Mir kommt es

nur teilweise etwas grob vor...

Liebe Grüße,

ps: It's just a suggestion... put this mail to spam, if you like :)
pps: the quotation I used is just an example... there were a couple of other

phrases you wrote today, that took me aback...

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