Hi Mark,
This is really a very clever idea!
I guess selection on objects should be possible. Maybe how the selective
lighting works.
Arjo .

Where are you guys getting your drinking water ? You know ,
the Soviets would routinely push barges full of radioactive
material directly into the Sea/Ocean/Toilets/Cabbage Soup .

Desalination is an awesome invention , but it fails at the
atomic level . Always drink/shower/bathe/swim/skip stones/-
water-ski/scuba-dive/shark-hunt/ with imported bottled H2O .

Then again , 3D puzzle solving is actually a natural, human-
nature trait of sorts . Climbing Mount Everest . Confronting
the Chinese . Tilting at windmills . Renderman to VSL . VSL
to Renderman . Scripting .
Using Realflow to scope VSL onto surfaces may actually be
taking it to a whole new level , indeed . Not saying it's
impossible , but my Sherpa is not giving the "thumbs-up" .

Personally , I liked Frankolino's neat idea of rolling balls
down a wild slide , and then having the balls 'splash' into
a body of (radioactive?) liquid meta-balls .

That radioactive water could leave a green slime on all the
stuff it splash's on , slowly dripping down onto the cock-
roaches ... glowing trails all the way to Britney's Box .

Drink up ! (keep the insanity coming)


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