Now when the stress of getting SP 1 out should be over, maybe I can
try to revive this question again.

Is the RS JS runtime module converting arrays properly now? Does the
GetR3SUBDIVA_Pointwise* methods actually return JS arrays of the
values? I have not yet taken the time to test this, and I would, in
this case, prefer a method that gets a single pointwise value for a
given point rather than getting the whole list. But, of course I can
live with an array as long as I can use it in JS.

Could someone give me an example JS snippet of how to extract the
pointwise colour of a point in an SDS object?

Best regards,
Fredrik Bergholtz

> Hi, first of all, is this list still active?
> Since the GetR3SUBDIVA_Pointwise* methods defined in r3subdiv.js are
> clearlly missing the index parameter and look otherwise suspiscious, I
> tried the following code snippet to get the colour of point 25 of the
> currently selected SDS object:
> *********
> layer = GetJS ("CurrentProject.Geometrics");
> obj = layer.GETFIRSTSELECTED();
> colour = new r3Vect();
> index = 25;
> R3SUBDIVA_PointwiseColor = 1235536;
> DoA3 (obj.r3obj, R3RM_GETINDEXED, R3SUBDIVA_PointwiseColor,
> R3TID_INTEGER, 0, index, R3TID_INTEGER, 0, colour, R3TID_COLOR_RGB,
> 0);
> //DoA3 (obj.r3obj, R3RM_GETINDEXED, R3SUBDIVA_PointwiseColor,
> R3TID_INTEGER, 0, index, R3TID_INTEGER, 0, colour, R3TID_VECTOR, 0);
> print (colour.x, ", ", colour.y, ", ", colour.z);
> ***********
> Calling the DoA3 method gives me an error:
> Undefined Attribute
> 1235:1235536
> (Error:r3root:93
> This indicates that there is no handler that acknowledges the
> R3SUBDIVA_PointwiseColor attribute, this sounds unlikely and I wonder,
> could the number have been incorrectly entered in the js-file? I
> could, of course check this out by having a plugin report the value of
> the true attribute identifier, but I am too lazy to do that right now.
> Should I not be able to do this from JS?
> Regards,
> Fredrik Bergholtz
> P.S.
> The colour type documentation, and perhaps even implementation, seems
> to be non-existent, can you verify this? The r3color.js states that
> the color class is built-in to the RS JavaScript library, but
> searching the r3js.dll for appropriate text strings yields no
> satisfactory results. The r3Vect class, however, is frequently found.
> The documentation also shows the r3Vect class along with some other,
> but the colour classes are not mentioned in the documentation.

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