Just found a function of Realsoft that makes it a perfect tool to work with CombadZ. I had a revelation 5 minutes ago (while taking a dump) and tried it and it just worked.

I am using the material per face of subdivision object then exported to .obj
But the material is not used as a material but something else.

CombadZ then use the name of the material for some specific use.
If I had not found this way to work I would have been forced to add a lot more code in CombadZ.
And maybe this technique work in other software.

Now if  only RS could be used as a renderman compliant stand alone renderer.

I tried again Houdini and it is realllllllllly sssssssssllllllllllllllooooooooooowwwww.
It was buggy on windowsXP and it is buggy on Linux.
Realsoft is the only useful and realistic solution on Linux.

Blender is discarded because the UI is horrible.

CombadZ could be a candidate but there is no modeling and no rendering.

Jean-Sebastien Perron

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