RS need to stay small, because they can absorb up and down and not be bought by Autodesk. All the company that targeted too high went either dead or were bought by Autodesk.
The only big 3D software other than RS not owned yet by Autodesk is Houdini.

Cinema 4D doesn't count as full 3D software, because you need many expensives plug-ins and other app to be on par with RS.

I don't want RS to be bought by the "3D porn provider" DAZ3D

RS is also multi platform like maya and softimage.
Maybe the list is calm because people are actually working with the software? Not showing off but actually producing.

The problem in the industry is that most artist (pro and amateur) are using a pirated copy of 3D studio, Maya or Softimage. And a magazine like 3D World mag and the others are pushing pirated software in a many ways by presenting
amateur tutorial for 3DS and Maya (none of them can be bought by amateur).

My main concern is that the RS website doesn't show enough incredible features of the software. The news section is rarely updated and it needs to do more advertisement in mags and other websites.

Also the big houses like Houdini are giving fully working version of their software with practically no limitations. Maybe if RS could give a gimped version of RS for free (always not just with a magazine).

RS need more cover up on the net.

The most important thing is for US is to produce amazing images made with RS.
And that has not been done for a long time (including myself).

Jean-Sebastien Perron

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