Wow, it's beautiful. That's the style I like (bright and colorful).

It's slow, but that was expected with that much graphics.
That was worth the loading.

I don't know if it can help, but I did a website in full 3D like that 3 years ago for one of my client.
The trick I used was to put  the full image at once as a background of an invisible table (centered on the page). Then divide that invisible table in cells and then copy/place an invisible gif inside the cell over the "detection point".  You only have to place an action on the invisible gif. That is so you don't have to split the image in small pieces. The menu of use this technique. It is more easy to manage like that.

Jean-Sebastien Perron

On 10-05-25 04:49 PM, Mark Heuymans wrote:
Hi all,

I finally put some serious work into my site, the expo part is nearing completion - only Abuja has a pop-up portfolio but the rest will follow in a few days.
No need to mention that everything 3d was made with Realsoft3d ;)

At the end of the hall I'm planning a big room dedicated to Realsoft3d, with lots of free projects and hopefully some new tutorials.
And the gaming cellar will be very interesting with lots of boardgame Alchimech material, there's also an entry into a huge cave system...
A lot of work to be done but I'm in the groove now.

Expo room of commercial work:

Best regards,
Mark H

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