Ah, sorry, I forgot that underscore was part of \w.
That will do the trick for now.

I do not see the big issue with file names though. Why not expand the
allowed characters a bit and escape the file names? Maybe some sort of URL
like escaping.


On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 6:29 PM, Aaron Morton <aa...@thelastpickle.com>wrote:

> Moving to the user list.
> The new restrictions were added as part of  CASSANDRA-1377 for 0.6.5 and
> 0.7, AFAIK it's to ensure the file names created for the CFs can be
> correctly parsed. So it's probably not going to change.
> The names have to match the \w reg ex class, which includes the underscore
> character.
> Aaron
> On 30 Aug 2010, at 21:01, Terje Marthinussen <tmarthinus...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> Now that we can make columns families on the fly, it gets interesting to
> use
> column families more as part of the data model (can reduce diskspace quite
> a
> bit vs. super columns in some cases).
> However, currently, the column family name validator is pretty strict
> allowing only word characters and in some cases it is pretty darned nice to
> be able to put something like a "-" inbetweenallthewords.
> Any reason to be this strict or could it be loosened up a little bit?
> Terje

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