> I decreased the heap size, it did not help, however, it delayed the problem.
> I noticed that its swapping, so, do you think that I should set windows to
> Not to swap?

I'm not sure what's best done on Windows.  For Linux/Unix there is
some discussion on:


for what to do. The bit about using standard I/O instead of mmap may
apply if mmap is supported on Windows,, but presumably none of the
other details will apply to Windows. If it is possible to tell Windows
to not swap the JVM specifically (rather than at all) that may be the
preferred solution. If you figure out what the easiest way is to
combat this on Windows please tell the group as it might be something
to put on e.g. the wiki.

> Do you think its related to this issue?
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-1014

Not the swapping in and of itself, no. That's more 1214 (above).

/ Peter Schuller

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