On Mon, 2010-11-15 at 12:26 -0800, Alaa Zubaidi wrote:
> I set authority to SimpleAuthority and log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG,stdout,R
> and its still the same, the error in my application is
> $batch_mutate_result.read(Cassandra.java:16477)  
> InvalidRequestException(why: you have not logged in)
> and in the system.log after DEBUG ...... Disseminating load info...
> DEBUG ...... batch_mutate
> There is no mention to the login() and set_keyspace() methods.
> and no other information..

The login() method will either raise an AuthenticationException in the
client application if the login failed, or log something like "logged
in: #<User username groups=groupname>" if it succeeded.

Either you're not actually calling login(), or your code is trapping the
exception and obscuring the failure. 

Eric Evans

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