On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 9:55 PM, Jason Harvey <alie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hola everyone,
> I have been considering making a few nodes only manage 1 token and
> entirely dedicating them to talking to clients. My reasoning behind
> this is I don't like the idea of a node having a dual-duty of handling
> data, and talking to all of the client stuff.
> Is there any merit to this thought?
> Cheers,
> Jason

Technically possible but not recommended. Beside making this node a
single point of failure, you assuredly add more latency to every
request. Also each request has memory overhead, one node will have the
sum overhead of all the requests it is not scalable. Also this node
can become a bandwidth limit.

One of the reasons to chose cassandra is it does NOT have a
master/queen node that all requests are proxied through.

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