> Would you recommend to disable system swap as a rule?   I'm running on Debian 
> 64bit and am seeing light swapping:

I'm not Jonathan, but *yes*. I would go so far as to say that
disabling swap is a good rule of thumb for *most* production systems
that serve latency sensitive traffic. For a machine dedicated to
Cassandra, you definitely want to disable swap.

There's just nothing to be gained really, but lots to loose. There is
nothing that you *want* swapped out. All the memory you use needs to
be in memory. You don't want the heap swapped out, you don't want the
off-heap jvm malloc stuff swapped out, you don't want stacks swapped
out,etc. As soon as you start swapping you very quickly run into poor
and unreliable performance. Particularly during GC.

/ Peter Schuller

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