Uhm, having a program that can talk to 0.6 and 0.7 servers at the same time
is not the hard problem, it took way less than five minutes to copy in both
generated clients in the same project and rename the C# namespaces. Two apps
and write to disk inbetween? Maven? That's crazy talk. :-D

What I was the most interested in is the fastest way to retrieve all rows
through thrift. get_range_slices or get_multi_slices? And how can I be
certain that I get all rows and the latest version of each row?

Say that I do get_range_slices, with some start token, a limit of 1000 and
consistency level ALL, what will actually happen? Will I get the first 1000
rows from that token as they appear on the server I was talking to, or will
the server fetch in additional rows that it doesn't have, but that fit the

If I do repeated calls to get_range_slices, and set the start_token to the
last token of the previous slice, will I actually get all rows?


On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 09:07, Stephen Connolly <
stephen.alan.conno...@gmail.com> wrote:

> maven-shade-plugin could help with having two versions of thrift at the
> same time... but you'd need to build some stuff with maven, and some people
> don't like that idea
> - Stephen
> ---
> Sent from my Android phone, so random spelling mistakes, random nonsense
> words and other nonsense are a direct result of using swype to type on the
> screen
> On 6 May 2011 01:11, "aaron morton" <aa...@thelastpickle.com> wrote:

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