The principle is, "keep data you retrieve at the same time, in the same row."

Here the logical unit to query is one user so I don't see any benefit
to forcing them into a single row "unnaturally."

On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 2:38 AM, Benoit Perroud <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> In a conceptual point of view, I'm wondering what is the pros & cons,
> mainly in term of access efficiency, of both approach :
> - Grouping row keys together to reduce the number of keys, but having
> wider rows (with more columns)
> - One object in one row
> Let's illustrate with an example :
> I want to store objects like : User { email, firstname, lastname, ...
> }, with a key hash(email).
> Given the two following users :
> User1 { "email1", "firstname1", "lastname1", ... }, hash("email1") = 
> "abcdefgh"
> User1 { "email2", "firstname2", "lastname2", ... }, hash("email2") = 
> "abcdabcd"
> I can either store
> UserCF["abcdefgh"] = { email = "email1", firstname = "firstname1",
> lastname = "lastname1" }
> UserCF["abcdabcd"] = { email = "email2", firstname = "firstname2",
> lastname = "lastname2" }
> or do something like (for example using composites) :
> UserCF["abcd"] = { ("abcd", email) = "email2", ("abcd", firstname) =
> "firstname2", ("abcd", lastname) = "lastname2", ("efgh", email) =
> "email1", ("efgh", firstname) = "firstname1", ("efgh", lastname) =
> "lastname1" }
> Thanks in advance for your advises.

Jonathan Ellis
Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
co-founder of DataStax, the source for professional Cassandra support

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