There seems to be no stack trace on this message

Error: Exception thrown by the agent : Local
host name unknown: ip-10-0-1-10: ip-10-0-1-10

I am also on sure why cassandra is doing a getLocalHost when I tried to bind
"everything" to for not for a prototype project on amazon.  I REALLY
do not want to change the /etc/hosts file, really really really don't want
to since I am creating a single image so that I can deploy a cluster of 10,
shut it down and deploy a cluster of 20, etc. etc. to get some performance
metrics from the system.  With no stack trace, it hard to jump into the
cassandra code(and of course as a quick fix, I can copy the java
file/recompile and just put it on the classpath before cassandra's class
file to fix for now).

Any ideas why there is a getLocalHost or better yet, what file this error
comes from?


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