
We have an issue to search over Cassandra and we are using Sphinx for
Because of Sphinx architecture we can't use range queries over all fields
that we need to.
So we have to run Sphinx Query first to get List of rowKeys and perform
additional range filtering over column values.

First simple solution is to do it on Client side. That will increase network
traffic and memory usage on client.

Now I'm wondering if it possible to perform such filtering on Cassandra
I wish to use some IndexExpression for range filtering in list of records
(list of rowKeys returned from external Indexing Search Engine).

Looking at get_indexed_slices I found out that in IndexClause is no
possibility set List of rowKeys (like for multiget_slice), only start_key.

So 2 questions:

1) Am I missing something and my idea is possible via some another API?
2) If not possible, can I add JIRA for this feature?


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