> Exception in thread "main" java.io.IOException: Repair command #1: some
> repair session(s) failed (see log for details).

For why repair failed you unfortunately need to log at logs as it suggests.

> I still see pending tasks in nodetool compactionstats, and their number goes
> into hundreds which I haven't seen before.
> What's going on?

The compactions "pending" is not very useful. It just says how many
tasks are pending that MIGHT compact. Typically it will either be 0,
or it will be steadily increasing while compactions are happening
until suddenly snapping back to 0 again once compactions catch up.

Whether or not non-zero is a problem depends on the Cassandra version,
how many concurrent compactors you are running, and your column
families/data sizes/flushing speeds etc. (Sorry, kind of a long story)

/ Peter Schuller (@scode, http://worldmodscode.wordpress.com)

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