> Thanks for the response Peter! I checked everything and it look good to me.
> I am stuck with this for almost 2 days now. Has anyone had this issue?

While it is certainly possible that you're running into a bug, it
seems unlikely to me since it is the kind of bug that would affect
almost anyone if it is failing with Unavailable due to unrelated (not
in replica sets) nodes being down.

Can you please post back with (1) the ring layout ('nodetool ring'),
and (2) the exact row key that you're testing with?

You might also want to run with DEBUG level (modify
log4j-server.properties at the top) and the strategy (assuming you are
using NetworkTopologyStrategy) will log selected endpoints, and
confirm that it's indeed picking endpoints that you think it should
based on getendpoints.

/ Peter Schuller (@scode, http://worldmodscode.wordpress.com)

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