> However, when I run a repair my CMS usage graph no longer shows sudden drops
> but rather gradual slopes and only manages to clear around 300MB each GC.
> This seems to occur on 2 other nodes in my cluster around the same time, I
> assume this is because they're the replicas (we use 3 replicas). Parnew
> collections look about the same on my graphs with or without repair running
> so no trouble there so far as I can tell.

I don't know why leveled/snappy would affect it, but disregarding
that, I would have been suggesting that you are seeing additional heap
usage because of long-running repairs retaining sstables and delaying
their unload/removal (index sampling/bloom filters filling your heap).
If it really only happens for leveled/snappy however, I don't know
what that might be caused by.

/ Peter Schuller (@scode, http://worldmodscode.wordpress.com)

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