Your design should be around how you want to query. If you are only querying 
by user, then having a user as part of the row key makes sense. To manage row 
size, you should think of a row as being a bucket of time. Cassandra supports a 
large (but not without bounds) row size. To manage row size you might say that 
this row is for user fred for the month of april, or if that's too much perhaps 
the row is for user fred for the day 4/18/12. To do this you can use composite 
keys to hold both pieces of information in the key. (user, bucketpos)The nice 
thing is that once the time period has come and gone, that row is complete, and 
you can perform background jobs against that row and store summary information 
for that time period.  ----- Original Message -----From: "Trevor 
Francis" >; 

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