This is an old thread from December 27, 2011.  I interpret the "yes" answer to 
mean you do not have to explicitly delete an empty row after all of its columns 
have been deleted, the empty row (i.e. row key) will automatically be deleted 
eventually (after gc_grace).  Is that true?   I am not seeing that behavior on 
our v 0.7.9 ring.  We are accumulating a large number of old empty rows.  They 
are taking alot of space because the row keys are big, and exploding the data 
size by 10x.  I have read conflicting information on blogs and cassandra docs.  
Someone mentioned that there are both row tombstones and column tombstones, 
implying that you have to explicitly delete empty rows.  Is that correct.

My basic question is... how do I delete all these empty row keys?

From: Feng Qu
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 11:09 AM
Compaction should delete empty rows once gc_grace_seconds is passed, right? 
From: Peter Schuller
But just to be extra clear: Data will not actually be removed once the row in 
question participates in compaction. Compactions will not be actively triggered 
by Cassandra for tombstone processing reasons.

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