Hi Everybody!

I'm trying to add a second node to an already operating one node cluster.

Some specs:
- cassandra 1.0.7
- both nodes have a routable listen_address and rpc_address.
- Ports are open: (from node2) telnet node1 7000 is successful
- Seeds parameter on node2 points to node 1.

[node1] nodetool -h localhost ring
Address         DC          Rack        Status State   Load            Owns
node1.ip     datacenter1 rack1       Up     Normal  74.33 KB        100.00%

- initial token on node2 was specified

I see something like that in the logs on node2:

DEBUG [main] 2012-07-31 13:50:38,640 CollationController.java (line 76)
 INFO [main] 2012-07-31 13:50:38,641 StorageService.java (line 667)
JOINING: waiting for ring and schema information
DEBUG [WRITE-NODE1/node1.ip] 2012-07-31 13:50:39,642
OutboundTcpConnection.java (line 206) attempting to connect to
DEBUG [ScheduledTasks:1] 2012-07-31 13:50:40,639 LoadBroadcaster.java (line
86) Disseminating load info ...
 INFO [main] 2012-07-31 13:51:08,641 StorageService.java (line 667)
JOINING: schema complete, ready to bootstrap
DEBUG [main] 2012-07-31 13:51:08,642 StorageService.java (line 554) ... got
ring + schema info
 INFO [main] 2012-07-31 13:51:08,642 StorageService.java (line 667)
JOINING: getting bootstrap token
DEBUG [main] 2012-07-31 13:51:08,644 BootStrapper.java (line 138) token
manually specified as 85070591730234615865843651857942052864
DEBUG [main] 2012-07-31 13:51:08,645 Table.java (line 387) applying
mutation of row 4c

but it doesn't join the ring:

[node2] nodetool -h localhost ring
Address         DC          Rack        Status State   Load            Owns
node2.ip   datacenter1 rack1       Up     Normal  13.49 KB        100.00%

I'm attaching the full log from node2 startup in debug mode.

When I didn't specified the initial token on node2 I ended up with
exception like that:
"Exception encountered during startup: No other nodes seen!  Unable to
bootstrap.If you intended to start a single-node cluster, you should make
sure your broadcast_address (or listen_address) is listed as a seed.
Otherwise, you need to determine why the seed being contacted has no
knowledge of the rest of the cluster.  Usually, this can be solved by
giving all nodes the same seed list."

I'm not sure how to proceed now. I found a couple of posts with problems
like that but they weren't very useful.

Jakub Glapa

Attachment: system.log
Description: Binary data

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