So there is this interesting case where a higher layer library makes things 
slower.  This is counter-intuitive as every abstraction usually makes things 
slower with an increase in productivity.    It would be cool if more and more 
libraries supported something to help with this scenario I think.

The concept.   Once in a while you end up needing a new query into an noSQL 
data model that already exists, and you do something like this

UserRow user = fetchUser(rowKey);
List<RoleMappingRow> mappings = fetchRoleMappings(user.getRoleMappingIds())
List<GroupIdRowKeys> rowKeys = new ArrayList<GroupIdRowKeys>();
for(RoleMapping m : mappings) {
List<GroupRow> groups = fetchGroupRows(rowKeys);

It turns out if you index stuff, it is much faster in a lot of cases.  Instead 
you can scan just 2 index rows to find the keys for the groups and read them 
in.  Basically you do one scan on the RoleMapping where mapping has a FK to 
UserRow and you now have a list of primary keys for your RoleMapping.  Next, 
you do a scan of the GroupRow index feeding in the primary keys of your 
RoleMapping which feeds back your GroupRow primary keys that you need to 
lookup….in this way, you skip not only a lot of coding that goes into avoiding 
getting all the UserRow data back, and can simply scan the indexes.

That said, every time you update a row, you need to remove an old value from 
the index and a new one to the index.  Inserts only need to add.  Removes only 
need to remove.

Anyways, I have found this to be quite an interesting paradigm shift as right 
now doing the latter manually requires a lot more code (but then, that is why 
more and more libraries like playOrm I think will exist in the future as it 
makes the above very simple to do yourself).


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