On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 5:26 PM, Shahryar Sedghi <shsed...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am on 1.1.4 now (I can go to 1.1.6 if needed)  and apparently it is
> broken. I defined the table like this:

In general people on 1.1.x below 1.1.6 should upgrade to at least
1.1.6 ASAP, because all versions of 1.1.x before 1.1.6 have broken
Hinted Handoff.

> please let me know if I need to open a bug.

I unfortunately don't know whether what you are doing "should" work in
1.1.4 or not. If I were you, I'd give 1.1.6/7 a shot, and if it still
doesn't work probably file a bug. :)


=Robert Coli
AIM&GTALK - rc...@palominodb.com
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