netstat + cron is your friend at this point in time

On Dec 18, 2012, at 8:25 PM, "aaron morton" 
<<>> wrote:

AFAIK the count connections is not exposed.


Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer
New Zealand


On 18/12/2012, at 10:37 PM, Tomas Nunez 
<<>> wrote:


I want to know how many client connections has each one of my cluster nodes (to 
check if my load balancing is spreading in a balanced way, to check if increase 
in the cluster load can be related to an increase in the number of connections, 
and things like that). I was thinking about going with netstat, counting 
ESTABLISHED connections to port 9160, but then I thought maybe there is some 
way in cassandra to get that information (maybe a counter of connections in the 
JMX?). I've tried installing MX4J and going over all MBeans, but I haven't 
found any with a promising name, they all seem unrelated to this information. 
And I can't find anything skimming the manual, so...

Can you think a better way than "netstat" to get this information? Better yet, 
is there anything similar to "Show processlist" in mysql?


Tomàs Núñez
Tel. + 34 93 159 31 00
Fax. + 34 93 396 18 52
Llull, 95-97, 2º planta, 08005 Barcelona
Skype: tomas.nunez.groupalia<>
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