I'm trying to track down some really worrying behavior. It appears that writing 
multiple columns while a table flush is occurring can result in Cassandra 
recording its data in a way that makes columns visible only to some queries but 
not others.

Ie. Query for a single column works but the column does not appear in slice 
queries depending on the other columns in the query

cfq.getKey("foo").getColumn("A") returns "A"
cfq.getKey("foo").withColumnSlice("A", "B") returns "B" only
cfq.getKey("foo").withColumnSlice("A","B","C") returns "A","B" and "C"

This is a permanent condition meaning that even hours later with no reads or 
writes the DB will return the same results. I can reproduce this 100% of the 
time by writing multiple columns and then reading a different set of multiple 
columns. Columns written during the flush may or may not appear.


# There are no log errors
# All single column queries return correct data.
# Slice queries may or may not return the column depending on which other 
columns are in the query.
# This is on a stock "unzip and run" installation of Cassandra using default 
options only; basically doing the cassandra getting started tutorial and using 
the Demo table described in that tutorial.
# Cassandra 1.2.0 using Astynax and Java 1.6.0_37.
# There are no errors but there is always a "flushing high traffic column 
family" that happens right before the incoherent state occurs
# to reproduce just update multiple columns at the same time, using random rows 
and then verify the writes by reading multiple columns. I get can generate the 
error on 100% of runs. Once the state is screwed up, the multi column read will 
not contain the column but the single column read will.

Log snippet
 INFO 15:47:49,066 GC for ParNew: 320 ms for 1 collections, 207199992 used; max 
is 1052770304
 INFO 15:47:58,076 GC for ParNew: 330 ms for 1 collections, 232839680 used; max 
is 1052770304
 INFO 15:48:00,374 flushing high-traffic column family CFS(Keyspace='BUGS', 
ColumnFamily='Test') (estimated 50416978 bytes)
 INFO 15:48:00,374 Enqueuing flush of Memtable-Test@1575891161(4529586/50416978 
serialized/live bytes, 279197 ops)
 INFO 15:48:00,378 Writing Memtable-Test@1575891161(4529586/50416978 
serialized/live bytes, 279197 ops)
 INFO 15:48:01,142 GC for ParNew: 654 ms for 1 collections, 239478568 used; max 
is 1052770304
 INFO 15:48:01,474 Completed flushing 
/var/lib/cassandra/data/BUGS/Test/BUGS-Test-ia-45-Data.db (4580066 bytes) for 
commitlog position ReplayPosition(segmentId=1359415964165, position=7462737)

Any ideas on what could be going on? I could not find anything like this in the 
open bugs and the only workaround seems to be never doing multi-column reads or 
writes. I'm concerned that the DB can get into a state where different queries 
can return such inconsistent results. All with no warning or errors. There is 
no way to even verify data correctness; every column can seem correct when 
queried and then disappear during slice queries depending on the other columns 
in the query.


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