A lot more details on your usecase and requirements would help.  You need to 
make specific considerations in cassandra when you have requirements around 
ordering.  Ordering can be achieved across columns.  Ordering across rows is a 
bit more tricky and may require the use of specific partitioners...

I did a real quick google search on "cassandra ordering" and found some good 
links (http://ayogo.com/blog/sorting-in-cassandra/).

To do queries with ordering across columns, using the "FIRST" keyword will 
return results based on the comparator you defined in your schema:


Hope this helps,

On Apr 19, 2013, at 7:32 AM, Sri Ramya wrote:

> hi,
>  I am working with CQl. I want perform query base on timestamp. Can anyone 
> help me out of this how to get date great than or less than a given time 
> timestamp in cassandra.

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