On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 9:35 AM, Carl Lerche <m...@carllerche.com> wrote:

> I read in the docs that `nodetool repair` should be regularly run unless
> no delete is ever performed. In my app, I never delete, but I heavily use
> the ttl feature. Should repair still be run regularly? Also, does repair
> take less time if it is run regularly? If not, is there a way to
> incrementally run it? It seems that when I do run repair, it takes a long
> time and causes high amounts CPU usage and iowait.

TTL is effectively DELETE; you need to run a repair once every
gc_grace_seconds. If you don't, data might un-delete itself. Even if you
don't care about data un-deleting itself, you still need to run repair
occasionally to ensure overall consistency. Hinted handoff and read repair
are only an optimization and do not have an official responsibility for
providing consistency.

If you struggle with the overhead of repair, one way to reduce the pain is
to increase gc_grace_seconds. The default of 10 days is arbitrary and IMO
too low, something more like 30 days will reduce the fixed very-high cost
of repair, at the cost of keeping tombstones around for 3x as long.

If you are running a version below 1.2.6, especially below 1.2.0, the
combination of TTL with repair can lead to insane over-repair.


There is a mechanism for incremental (manually managed..) repair.



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