hi all:

More info :


I tried this (and gen. cassandra 1.2.9)  but do not work for me,

git clone http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra.git
cd cassandra
git checkout cassandra-1.2
patch -p1 < 5867-bug-fix-filter-push-down-1.2-branch.txt

Miguel Angel Martín Junquera
Analyst Engineer.

2013/9/2 Miguel Angel Martin junquera <mianmarjun.mailingl...@gmail.com>

> hi:
> I test this in cassandra 1.2.9 new  version and the issue still persists .
> :-(
> Miguel Angel Martín Junquera
> Analyst Engineer.
> miguelangel.mar...@brainsins.com
> 2013/8/30 Miguel Angel Martin junquera <mianmarjun.mailingl...@gmail.com>
>> I try this:
>> *rows = LOAD
>> 'cql://keyspace1/test?page_size=1&split_size=4&where_clause=age%3D30' USING
>> CqlStorage();*
>> *dump rows;*
>> *ILLUSTRATE rows;*
>> *describe rows;*
>> *
>> *
>> *values2= FOREACH rows GENERATE  TOTUPLE (id) as
>> (mycolumn:tuple(name,value));*
>> *dump values2;*
>> *describe values2;*
>> *
>> *
>> But I get this results:
>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>> | rows     | id:chararray   | age:int   | title:chararray   |
>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>> |          | (id, 6)        | (age, 30) | (title, QA)       |
>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>> rows: {id: chararray,age: int,title: chararray}
>> 2013-08-30 09:54:37,831 [main] ERROR org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.Grunt -
>> ERROR 1031: Incompatable field schema: left is
>> "tuple_0:tuple(mycolumn:tuple(name:bytearray,value:bytearray))", right is
>> "org.apache.pig.builtin.totuple_id_1:tuple(id:chararray)"
>> or
>> ....
>> *values2= FOREACH rows GENERATE  TOTUPLE (id) ;*
>> *dump values2;*
>> *describe values2;*
>> and  the results are:
>> ...
>> (((id,6)))
>> (((id,5)))
>> values2: {org.apache.pig.builtin.totuple_id_8: (id: chararray)}
>> Aggg!!!!!
>> *
>> *
>> Miguel Angel Martín Junquera
>> Analyst Engineer.
>> miguelangel.mar...@brainsins.com
>> 2013/8/28 Miguel Angel Martin junquera <mianmarjun.mailingl...@gmail.com>
>>> hi:
>>> I can not understand why the schema is  define like 
>>> *"id:chararray,age:int,title:chararray"
>>>  and it does not define like tuples or bag tuples,  if we have pair
>>> key-values  columns*
>>> *
>>> *
>>> *
>>> *
>>> *I try other time to change schema  but it does not work.*
>>> *
>>> *
>>> *any ideas ...*
>>> *
>>> *
>>> *perhaps, is the issue in the definition cql3 tables ?*
>>> *
>>> *
>>> *regards*
>>> 2013/8/28 Miguel Angel Martin junquera <mianmarjun.mailingl...@gmail.com
>>> >
>>>> hi all:
>>>> Regards
>>>> Still i can resolve this issue. .....
>>>> does anybody have this issue or try to test this simple example?
>>>> i am stumped I can not find a solution working.
>>>> I appreciate any comment or help
>>>> 2013/8/22 Miguel Angel Martin junquera <
>>>> mianmarjun.mailingl...@gmail.com>
>>>>> hi all:
>>>>> I,m testing the new CqlStorage() with cassandra 1.28 and pig 0.11.1
>>>>> I am using this sample data test:
>>>>> http://frommyworkshop.blogspot.com.es/2013/07/hadoop-map-reduce-with-cassandra.html
>>>>> And I load and dump data Righ with this script:
>>>>> *rows = LOAD
>>>>> 'cql://keyspace1/test?page_size=1&split_size=4&where_clause=age%3D30' 
>>>>> USING
>>>>> CqlStorage();*
>>>>> *
>>>>> *
>>>>> *dump rows;*
>>>>> *describe rows;*
>>>>> *
>>>>> *
>>>>> *resutls:
>>>>> ((id,6),(age,30),(title,QA))
>>>>> ((id,5),(age,30),(title,QA))
>>>>> rows: {id: chararray,age: int,title: chararray}
>>>>> *
>>>>> But i can not  get  the column values
>>>>> I try to define   another schemas in Load like I used with
>>>>> cassandraStorage()
>>>>> http://cassandra-user-incubator-apache-org.3065146.n2.nabble.com/Cassandra-and-Pig-how-to-get-column-values-td5641158.html
>>>>> example:
>>>>> *rows = LOAD
>>>>> 'cql://keyspace1/test?page_size=1&split_size=4&where_clause=age%3D30' 
>>>>> USING
>>>>> CqlStorage() AS (columns: bag {T: tuple(name, value)});*
>>>>> and I get this error:
>>>>> *2013-08-22 12:24:45,426 [main] ERROR
>>>>> org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.Grunt - ERROR 1031: Incompatable schema: left 
>>>>> is
>>>>> "columns:bag{T:tuple(name:bytearray,value:bytearray)}", right is
>>>>> "id:chararray,age:int,title:chararray"*
>>>>> I try to use, FLATTEN, SUBSTRING, SPLIT UDF`s but i have not get good
>>>>> result:
>>>>> Example:
>>>>>    - when I flatten , I get a set of tuples like
>>>>> *(title,QA)*
>>>>> *(title,QA)*
>>>>> *2013-08-22 12:42:20,673 [main] INFO
>>>>>  org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.util.MapRedUtil - Total
>>>>> input paths to process : 1*
>>>>> *A: {title: chararray}*
>>>>> but i can get value QA
>>>>> Sustring only works with title
>>>>> example:
>>>>> *B = FOREACH A GENERATE SUBSTRING(title,2,5);*
>>>>> *
>>>>> *
>>>>> *dump B;*
>>>>> *describe B;*
>>>>> *
>>>>> *
>>>>> *
>>>>> *
>>>>> *results:*
>>>>> *
>>>>> *
>>>>> *(tle)*
>>>>> *(tle)*
>>>>> *B: {chararray}*
>>>>> i try, this like ERIC LEE inthe other mail  and have the same results:
>>>>>  Anyways, what I really what is the column value, not the name. Is
>>>>> there a way to do that? I listed all of the failed attempts I made below.
>>>>>    - colnames = FOREACH cols GENERATE $1 and was told $1 was out of
>>>>>    bounds.
>>>>>    - casted = FOREACH cols GENERATE (tuple(chararray, chararray))$0;
>>>>>    but all I got back were empty tuples
>>>>>    - values = FOREACH cols GENERATE $0.$1; but I got an error telling
>>>>>    me data byte array can't be casted to tuple
>>>>> Please, I will appreciate any help
>>>>> Regards
>>>> --
>>>> Miguel Angel Martín Junquera
>>>> Analyst Engineer.
>>>> miguelangel.mar...@brainsins.com
>>>> Tel. / Fax: (+34) 91 485 56 66
>>>> *http://www.brainsins.com*
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>>> --
>>> Miguel Angel Martín Junquera
>>> Analyst Engineer.
>>> miguelangel.mar...@brainsins.com

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