
I saw on http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/modern-hinted-handoff (wrote on 
december 2012) that hints targeting a removed node (our case) are automatically 
removed. However, a compaction has been done on our cf and hints for the 
removed node are still stored. We're using version 1.2.2 (February 2013). Do 
you mean by automatically that they will be removed after a period of time but 
not after a compaction ? I see a TTL of 10 days added to each row in the hints 
data file.

Another question, is about "Finished hinted handoff of 0 rows to endpoint" info 
messages. CASSANDRA-5068 patch included in our version is supposed to fix a bad 
behaviour which was the cause of similar messages. We don't have hints stored 
for the endpoints concerned by these messages, but they appear in our log 
files. I don't know if it's related but I have a compaction of hints at the 
same time : http://pastebin.com/71nw2Uqh . Can Anyone explain us what's 
happening if it's an expected behaviour.


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