After upgrading to the 2.0 driver branch, I received a lot of warnings about 
re-preparing previously prepared statements.  I read about this issue, and my 
work around was to cache my prepared statements in a Map<String, 
PreparedStatement> internally in my app via a common prepare method, where the 
string key was the CQL query itself.  This has been working perfectly, but I 
realized today that the consistency level I was setting on BoundStatement is 
actually inherited from Statement.  Now, while it is obviously not the same 
object instance (the BoundStatement vs the cached PreparedStatement), I was 
concerned that I was inadvertently changing the consistency level of the cached 
PreparedStatement in a non thread safe fashion.  My impression had been that 
the BoundStatement, even though created against a cached/shared 
PreparedStatement, was mine to do with what I pleased exclusively in my thread 
context.  Is this a correct/incorrect assumption?

I guess what it boils down to is the following:   Are the consistency level in 
the PreparedStatement and BoundStatement linked when the BoundStatement is 
created so that modifying the consistency level of the BoundStatement modifies 
the underlying PreparedStatement?

What I am hoping is the case is that the PreparedStatement's consistency level 
is just used to initialize the BoundStatement and that the BoundStatement's 
consistency level is then used when executing the query.


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