Has anyone experienced network i/o issues with ec2? We are seeing a lot of
these in our logs:

HintedHandOffManager.java (line 477) Timed out replaying hints to
/10.0.x.xxx; aborting (15 delivered)

and these...

Cannot handshake version with /10.0.x.xxx

and these...

java.io.IOException: Cannot proceed on repair because a neighbor
(/10.0.x.xxx) is dead: session failed

Occurs on all of our nodes. Even though in all cases, the host that is
being reported as down or unavailable is up and readily 'pingable'.

We are using shared tenancy on all our nodes (instance type m1.xlarge) with
cassandra 2.0.7. Any suggestions on how to debug these errors?

Is there a recommendation to move to Placement Groups for Cassandra?



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