While Astyanax 2.0 is still beta,  I think you will find it provides a very
good migration path from the 1.0 thrift based version to the 2.0 native
driver version.  Well worth considering if you like the Astyanax API and
functionality.  I know of multiple DataStax customers planning on using it.

On May 29, 2014 4:12 PM, "user 01" <user...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What version of Astyanax(thrift based impl. or beta Java driver one?) are
> you using ?
> With what cassandra version ?
> Would you still recommend Astyanax at this point when DS Java Driver is
> out?
> My intentions are to use Astyanax over thrift based impl for now, & later
> switch to Astyanax over Java driver(when it gets stable) rather than java
> driver directly, as I have now got more used to thrift & Astyanax can help
> me write my queries programatically instead of CQL statements, & take care
> of preparing queries or sanitizing them, etc. So Would you still recommend
> Astyanax ?

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