One of the nodes in a cassandra cluster has died.

I'm using cassandra 2.0.7 throughout.

When I do a nodetool status this is what I see (real addresses have been
replaced with fake 10 nets)

    [root@beta-new:/opt] #nodetool status
    Datacenter: datacenter1
    |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
    --  Address         Load       Tokens  Owns   Host ID
    UN  171.02 KB  256     49.4%
 fd2f76ae-8dcf-4e93-a37f-bf1e9088696e  rack1
    DN     ?          256     50.6%
 f2a48fc7-a362-43f5-9061-4bb3739fdeaf  rack1

I tried to get the token ID for the down node by doing a nodetool ring
command, grepping for the IP and doing a head -1 to get the initial one.

    [root@beta-new:/opt] #nodetool ring | grep | head -1     rack1       Down   Normal  ?               50.59%

I then started following this documentation on how to replace the node:


So I installed cassandra on a new node but did not start it.

Set the following options:

    cluster_name: 'Test Cluster'
          - seeds: ""
    endpoint_snitch: SimpleSnitch

And set the initial token of the new install as the token -1 of the node
I'm trying to replace in cssandra.yaml:

    initial_token: -9042969066862165995

And after making sure there was no data yet in:

I started up the database:

    [root@web2:/etc/alternatives/cassandrahome] #./bin/cassandra -f

The documentation I link to above says to use the replace_address directive
on the command line rather than if you have a tarball
install (which we do) as opposed to a package install.

After I start it up, cassandra fails with the following message:

    Exception encountered during startup: Cannot replace_address / because it doesn't exist in gossip

So I'm wondering at this point if I've missed any steps or if there is
anything else I can try to replace this dead cassandra node?

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