Hello Paolo,

I just published an open source version of the "dsetool list_subranges"
command, which will enable you to perform subrange repair as described in
the post.

You can find the code and usage instructions here:

Currently available for 1.2.16, but I guess that just changing the version
on the pom.xml and recompiling it will make it work on 2.0.x.



On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 4:40 PM, Jack Krupansky <j...@basetechnology.com>

> The DataStax doc should be current best practices:
> http://www.datastax.com/documentation/cassandra/2.0/
> cassandra/operations/ops_repair_nodes_c.html
> If you or anybody else finds it inadequate, speak up.
> -- Jack Krupansky
> -----Original Message----- From: Paolo Crosato
> Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 10:13 AM
> To: user@cassandra.apache.org
> Subject: Best practices for repair
> Hi eveybody,
> we have some problems running repairs on a timely schedule. We have a
> three node deployment, and we start repair on one node every week,
> repairing one columnfamily by one.
> However, when we run into the big column families, usually repair
> sessions hangs undefinitely, and we have to restart them manually.
> The script runs commands like:
> nodetool repair keyspace columnfamily
> one by one.
> This has not been a major issue for some time, since we never delete
> data, however we would like to sort the issue once and for all.
> Reading resources on the net, I came to the conclusion that we could:
> 1) either run a repair sessione like the one above, but with the -pr
> switch, and run it on every node, not just on one
> 2) or run sub range repair as described here
> http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/advanced-repair-techniques , which
> would be the best option.
> However the latter procedure would require us to write some java program
> that calls describe_splits to get the tokens to feed nodetool repair with.
> The second procedure is available out of the box only in the commercial
> version of the opscenter, is this true?
> I would like to know if these are the current best practices for repairs
> or if there is some other option that makes repair easier to perform,
> and more
> reliable that it is now.
> Regards,
> Paolo Crosato
> --
> Paolo Crosato
> Software engineer/Custom Solutions
> e-mail: paolo.cros...@targaubiest.com

*Paulo Motta*

Chaordic | *Platform*
*www.chaordic.com.br <http://www.chaordic.com.br/>*
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