You mean "unzip and run" of an application using C* ?

Am 23.07.2014 um 00:34 schrieb Rodgers, Hugh <>:

> What got our team on the path of trying to embed C* was the wiki page 
> which implies this can be done. 
> Also WSO2 Carbon and Achilles have both embedded C* (not in an OSGi container 
> though, and Carbon is with an older C* version).
> We are wanting an “unzip and run” system and do not expect the user to have 
> to do much, if any, C* configuration.
> From: Robert Stupp [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 1:19 PM
> To:
> Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: Running Cassandra Server in an OSGi container
> What's your intention to do this?
> There are unit test integrations using C* daemon. A related bug that 
> prevented proper shutdown has been closed for C* 2.1-rc1: 
> It's perfectly fine to embed C* for unit tests.
> But I'd definitely not recommend to use C* within a container in a real 
> production environment.
> Not just because of the few System.exit calls in CassandraDaemon but also of 
> the other places where System.exit is called for very good reasons. These 
> reasons include system/node failure scenarios (for example disk failures).
> C* is designed to run in its own JVM process using dedicated hardware 
> resources on multiple servers using commodity hardware without any 
> virtualization or any shared storage. And it just works great with that.
> There are good reasons to move computation near to the data - but that's 
> always a separate OS process on C* nodes. Examples are Hadoop and Spark.
> Am 22.07.2014 um 21:45 schrieb Rodgers, Hugh <>:
> Hello –
> I have a use case where I need to run the Cassandra Server as an OSGi bundle. 
> I have been able to embed all of the Cassandra dependencies in an OSGi bundle 
> and run it on Karaf container, but I am not happy with the approach I have 
> thus far.
> Since CassandraDaemon has System.exit() calls in it, if these execute it will 
> bring down my entire OSGi container rather than just the bundle Cassandra is 
> running in. I hacked up a copy of CassandraDaemon enough to get it to run in 
> the bundle with no System.exit() calls, but the Cassandra StorageService is 
> not “aware” of it, i.e., I cannot call the StorageService.registerDaemon(…) 
> method because my copy of CassandraDaemon does not extend Apache’s. hence I 
> am getting exceptions when I do shutdown my container or restart the bundle 
> because the StorageService and my CassandraDaemon are not “linked”.
> I am considering trying to extend Apache’s CassandraDaemon and override its 
> setup() method with a SecurityManager that disables System.exit() calls. This 
> too sounds “hacky”.
> Does anyone have any better suggestions? Or know of an existing open source 
> project that has successfully embedded CassandraServer in an OSGi bundle?
> I am using Cassandra v2.0.7 and am currently using CQL (vs. Thrift).
> Thanks –
> Hugh

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