I might be misinterpreting you, but it seems you are only using one seed
per node. Is there a specific reason for that? A node can have multiple
seeds in its seed list. It is my understanding that typically, every node
in a cluster has the same seed list.

On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 10:03 PM, Tim Dunphy <bluethu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey all,
>  I've been experimenting with Cassandra on a small scale and in my own
> sandbox for a while now. I'm pretty used to working with it to get small
> clusters up and running and gossiping with each other.
> But I just had a new project at work drop into my lap that requires a
> NoSQL data store. And the developers have selected... you guessed it!
> Cassasndra as their back end database.
> So I'll be asked to setup a 6 node cluster all hosted in one data center.
> I want to just make sure that I understand the concept of seeds correctly.
> I think since we'll be dealing with 6 nodes, what I'll want to do is have 2
> seeds. And have each seed seeing each other as it's own seed.
> Then the other 2 nodes in each sub-group will have the IP for it's seed on
> each of it's cassandra.yml files.
> Then I'll want to set the replication factor to 5. Since it'll be the
> total number of nodes -1. I just want to make sure I have all that right.
> Another thing that will have to happen is that I will need to connect
> Cassandra into a 4 node ElasticSearch cluster. I think there are a few
> options for doing that. I've seen names like Titan and Gremlin. And I was
> wondering if anyone has any recommendations there.
> And lastly I'd like to point out that I know literally nothing about the
> data that will be stored there just as of yet. The first meeting about the
> project will be tomorrow. My manager gave me an advanced heads up about
> what will be required.
> Thank you,
> Tim
> --
> GPG me!!
> gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys F186197B

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