
In my test program when I increase load then I keep getting few "write
timeout" from Cassandra say every 10~15 mins. My read:write ratio is
50:50. My reads are fine but only writes time out.

Here is my Cassandra details:
Version: 2.0.11
Ring of 3 nodes with RF=3
Node configuration: 24 core + 64GB RAM + 2TB

"write_request_timeout_in_ms: 5000", rest of Cassandra.yaml configuration
is default

I've also checked IO on Cassandra nodes and looks very low (around 5%).
I've also checked Cassandra log file and do not see any GC happening. Also
CPU on Cassandra is low (around 20%). I have 20GB data on each node.

My test program creates connection to all three Cassandra nodes and sends
read+write request randomly.

Any idea what should I look for?


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