Have you checked time sync across all servers?  The fact that you've
changed consistency levels and you're getting different results may
indicate something inherently wrong with the cluster such as writes being
dropped or time differences between the nodes.

A brute-force approach to better understand what's going on (especially if
you have an example of the wrong data being returned) is to do a
sstable2json on all your tables and simply grep for an example key.

On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 4:39 PM, Benyi Wang <bewang.t...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for replying.
> In cqlsh, if I change to Quorum (Consistency quorum), sometime the select
> return the deleted row, sometime not.
> I have two virtual data centers: service (3 nodes) and analytics(4 nodes
> collocate with Hadoop data nodes).The table has 3 replicas in service and 2
> in analytics. When I wrote, I wrote into analytics using local_one. So I
> guest the data may not replicated to all nodes yet.
> I will try to use strong consistency for write.
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 11:59 AM, Prem Yadav <ipremya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Increase the read CL to quorum and you should get correct results.
>> How many nodes do you have in the cluster and what is the replication
>> factor for the keyspace?
>> On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 7:41 PM, Benyi Wang <bewang.t...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Create table tomb_test (
>>>    guid text,
>>>    content text,
>>>    range text,
>>>    rank int,
>>>    id text,
>>>    cnt int
>>>    primary key (guid, content, range, rank)
>>> )
>>> Sometime I delete the rows using cassandra java driver using this query
>>> DELETE FROM tomb_test WHERE guid=? and content=? and range=?
>>> in Batch statement with UNLOGGED. CONSISTENCE_LEVEL is local_one.
>>> But if I run
>>> SELECT * FROM tomb_test WHERE guid='guid-1' and content='content-1' and
>>> range='week'
>>> or
>>> SELECT * FROM tomb_test WHERE guid='guid-1' and content='content-1' and
>>> range='week' and rank = 1
>>> The result shows the deleted rows.
>>> If I run this select, the deleted rows are not shown
>>> SELECT * FROM tomb_test WHERE guid='guid-1' and content='content-1'
>>> If I run delete statement in cqlsh, the deleted rows won't show up.
>>> How can I fix this?

*Ken Hancock *| System Architect, Advanced Advertising
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